Tuesday Jul 26, 2022

Ep. 5 - Movie Night! Viy (1967) and Mad God (2022)

It's a double feature!

Tonight we're sitting down to watch the Soviet Folk-Horror highlight Viy (1967) and Phil Tippett's unrelenting handcrafted staring contest with the abyss, Mad God (2022).

Honestly the two movies have only the most tenuous and surface-level similarities, yet the Venn Diagram charting the kinds of people into either of these movies is nearly a circle. (It's gag reflex that accounts for the difference).

Despite their difference in tone, setting, language, pacing and look, these are both fantastic films for celebrating the limits of human imagination and the anxious joy of peeking into its hidden dark corners where all the f***ed up little guys are hanging out.

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